Pregnancy Massage
90min | £80

Pregnancy Massage can be very beneficial for both, mother and the unborn baby. The body is undergoing many changes throughout the pregnancy, which often comes with discomfort, tension, and pain in the body. Massage is a great way for self-care, to take a rest and help reduce stress, tension, aches, and pain. Massage may also assist in improving circulation which is helpful to distribute important nutrients to vital organs of the body.
What to expect from a Pregnancy Massage?
Pregnancy Massages can be booked in after the first trimester*. There will be an in-depth consultation form to complete before the treatment to ensure full safety for the mother and baby. It is always recommended to inform your GP and /or midwife that you are planning to receive a Pregnancy Massage and follow their advice if they have any concerns. Therefore, it might also be required to provide a consent form signed by your GP or midwife before your treatment. Please note, that this is purely for safety and precaution.
Approximately 90% of the massage treatment will be carried out in a side-lying position with pillows provided to give you extra support. The massage will be carried out with flowing, rhythmical strokes, and only light pressure. The treatment normally includes a full body massage, covering the back, neck, shoulders, face, arms, legs, and feet.
Receiving regular massage whilst pregnant can aid with the ability to relax and reduce pain and discomfort. My clinic is based at Neal’s Yard Remedies in Leeds where you can also find fantastic products for your body, specifically made for mothers and babies.
If you attend treatments at Neal’s Yard Remedies, you are entitled to a 15% discount on selected products. Make sure you speak to the team for more information.
How long does the Pregnancy Massage Treatment take?
It is recommended to book at least 90minutes for your first session or even for every session. This is mainly to ensure that there is enough time to carry out the full consultation before the treatment and allow enough time for the massage.
The treatment normally covers the full body but you can, of course, agree with me before the treatment, which area you prefer the focus to be on, or particular areas you do not wish to be included.
If you have any further questions regarding the Pregnancy Massage, please feel free to contact me before your appointment.
90min | £65 / 60min | £50
Location & Contact Details
Saturdays 12-6pm: We Are Wellness
2 N Hill Rd | Headingley | Leeds | LS6 2EN
by appointment only.
How to book:
M: 07932349290